Tuesday, February 24, 2015

About the Class

As I stated previously I am placed in a preschool classroom at North Broadway Children's Center in Clintonville. I have the opportunity to experience something very unique in this classroom because it is a co-op program. A co-op program places an emphasis on collaboration between teachers and parents. For this reason, the parents are encouraged to volunteer their time in the classroom. Each day their are two parents in the classroom along with the two teachers and me! This bring our child to adult ratio down to about 1 adult per every 3 students. I have never heard of this type of classroom model and so far I am loving it! I definitely want to incorporate parents into my future classroom as much as possible. The biggest benefit I have observed is the increased sense of community. The teachers all the know the parents on a deeper level and the parents have a more in depth of how the classroom works. 

Here you can see NBCC definition and rationale of a co-op program: http://www.northbroadwaycc.org/#!part-time-programs/cq5

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